Trauma-Informed Care Microcredential

Students will learn about the neurological, psychological, biological, 以及关于创伤的社会学研究,通过包容来促进他人的复原力, empathic, and compassionate interactions, policies, and practices.

Trauma-informed care (TIC) draws from biological, health, 社会科学告诉从业者创伤的有害影响和持续时间, toxic stress negatively impacts the brain and body. As the science of traumatic stress has evolved, 这一事实在公共保健系统中再也不能被忽视了.

创伤知情护理为卫生和人力部门系统和提供者提供了一个重要的创新机会,以提高护理质量和患者/客户体验, 从而增加边缘化和难以接触的患者群体的纵向参与,并开始促进愈合, growth, and improved health.

The SAU School of Social Work and Psychology Department 为在我们的卫生和人类服务系统中建立了解创伤的斗士提供了这一微型证书.

Accepting applicaitons for the 2024-2025 Cohort.  有关奖学金的信息,请发邮件给Jennifer Best:  To register for the course with a credit card, click here

Ambrose Advantages

  • Hybrid Courses to Fit With Your Schedule
  • 课程由当地创伤护理专家开发
  • High-Impact Learning Through Practical Experiences

More Information About Trauma-Informed Care

What Will I Learn?

这种小额证书的参与者必须已经在学校或机构工作或做志愿者. 正在完成实习或学生教学的人可能会例外.


Part One

August-December (16 weeks), 2-3 hours/week

参与者每周将通过研讨会参加继续教育专业发展, reading, discussion, 以及对创伤的微观层面和宏观层面都有深入了解的练习, 重点是理解跨学科研究. 参与者将获得40小时的继续教育学分.

Course topics will include:

  • Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • History of Trauma Theory and Treatment
  • Early Childhood Neurobiology and Attachment
  • Complex Developmental Trauma vs. Other Trauma Disorders
  • Polyvagal Theory and Neurosequential Model
  • Sensory Systems and Regulation
  • Healing-Centered Movement and Resiliency
  • 作为创伤知情应用的恢复性实践
  • and Macrolevel Systems.

Part Two

January-May (16 weeks), 2-3 hours/week

Participants will identify, analyze, 并在他们的实践范围内为微观层面的情况制定实施计划. Then, 他们将通过为组织制定宏观层面的政策实施计划来重复这一过程, department, or service area.

Activities will include selection of an analysis tool, practice in using this tool, 制定与从该工具获得的数据相关的实施计划, 这个计划的展示有机会进行讨论和反馈.

Digital Badge Requirements

您的数字徽章是您满足某些课程要求的证明. 数字徽章包含有关微证书的信息,包括获得微证书的时间.


  • 参与每个模块,包括在线讨论板
  • Attend each in-person meeting
  • 提交并达到两个实施计划的最低能力标准
Quad Cities Area Trauma-Informed Consortium

In 2013, 家庭资源和儿童虐待委员会(现在称为“每个孩子”)召集了一群有关的正规买球平台有哪些伙伴来预防, reduce, 并解决斯科特和洛克岛县儿童创伤的影响. 这种伙伴关系发展成为一个由敬业的人和组织组成的联盟,他们共同努力提供解决方案,使我们的正规买球平台有哪些更健康, more resilient place to live.

Through the time, talent, 四城创伤知情联盟(QC-TIC)成员的专业知识和资源, 成千上万的人接受了关于创伤对个人健康和福祉影响的培训和教育, families and our community.

In 2020, QC-TIC领导层设想推进创伤知情运动,从“意识和教育”到实施有效提供护理方式的变革. To do this, 正规买球平台有哪些需要创建一种系统的方式,在制定计划所需的行动中发展深厚的知识和具体的技能, services and classrooms trauma-informed.

Through their engagement with the QC-TIC, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台社会工作学院和心理学系创建了创伤信息微证书,以提高我们正规买球平台有哪些的能力,使我们的关系发生系统性的变化, practices and policies-from the inside out.

欲了解更多关于Quad Cities Trauma Informed Consortium的信息,请访问他们的Facebook页面 or visit them online

Skillset Assessment

Knowing about trauma and toxic stress isn't enough. To create a healing program, service, organization or classroom, 必须实施创伤知情行为,以创造治疗场所和实践. 为了确保创伤知情护理微证书参与者已经练习了如何做这项工作, they will engage in two projects.

参与者将制定适合其组织的特定学科微观层面实施计划和特定学科宏观层面实施计划, program, service or classroom. 微证书模块将引导参与者完成计划制定的每一步. 讲师将在整个过程中提供反馈和指导, 确保参与者的计划在完成后可以在其组织中使用.

Course Dates

2024 -25

在SAU北达文波特教育中心面对面的课程,1950年E. 54th St., Davenport.

Fall 2024

Part One, Aug. 19 – Dec. 9, 2024

Fall Virtual Meetings (optional): 
• September 30, 2024 & October 28, 2024 6:00-7:00 PM

Fall Face to Face Meetings (required):
• August 22, 2024 6:00-8:00 PM
• September 19, 2024 6:00-8:00 PM
• October 17, 2024 6:00-8:00 PM
• November 21, 2024 6:00-8:00 PM
• December 12, 2024 6:00-8:00 PM

Spring 2025

Part Two, Jan. 20-May 12, 2025

Fall Virtual Meetings (optional):
• February 20, 2025 & April 24, 2025 6:00-7:00 PM

Fall Face to Face Meetings (required):
• January 23, 2025 6:00-8:00 PM
• March 27, 2025 6:00-8:00 PM
• March 27, 2025 6:00-8:00 PM
• May 1, 2025 6:00-8:00 PM
• May 8, 2025 6:00-8:00 PM

Cost and Fees

Total Cost: $1,300
Payment plans available upon request. 

What You Receive:

  • 完成第一部分后,参与者可获得继续教育单位.
  • 完成第二部分后,参与者将获得一个数字徽章.

This microcredential is not for college credit.

Cancelation Policy:
课程付款可转到另一个计划的课程,如果St. 可以买滚球的正规平台会在课程日期前收到通知. Courses paid for, but not attended, 如果您在培训计划结束后的两周内取消,会退还25%的取消费用吗.

Apply Visit Info


Jennifer Best, MS Ed, CFLE, CFCS-HDFS, BCC

Psychology Department
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多正规买球平台有哪些的虚拟和亲自访问选项.