

Make the most of your first year of college by enrolling in a common 学习 experience with your new peers. First Year 学习正规买球平台有哪些 (FYLC) are designed to help you make friends and form relationships with faculty who are interested in helping first-year students make a smooth transition to college. Some 学习 communities provide an introduction to a major while others are built around an interesting theme or current issue. All communities include two courses that fulfill major or general education requirements.


  • an introduction to a major while others are built around an area of interest or current issue.
  • 一个名为“新生研讨会”的组成部分, 一个一个学分, extended orientation to college that includes college skill development, 每个人都读的精选文本, 以及对文科的介绍. 新生研讨会很受欢迎.
  • 信息素养课程, which is a graduation requirement that helps you develop solid research and inquiry skills for your college career.



fylc101a -商业思维 & 说(业务)
在商业世界里,你必须会做的一件事是什么? 交流你的想法和知识! Join us for a unique opportunity to learn to think and speak like a polished and professional business person. Accounting Principles offers an introduction to the basics of financial accounting and ways of organizing information with the purpose of communication while Principles of Public speaking teaches students to organize, 用言语表达想法, 在团队中进行有效的沟通. 201号房,129号房,101号房.

FYLC 101 B - Communicating Science (Science/Pre-Professional Health Career)
The Communicating Science 学习 community is designed for students who wish to receive strong scientific training and communications experiences to prepare for careers in health and human services. Students in this 学习 community will develop critical-thinking skills in biology complemented by focused areas of study in oral communication and information literacy. The overall goal of the 学习 community is to develop science-minded students who understand that communication skills are essential for future careers in health care. 生物工程199,生物工程199实验室,通信203,国家科学技术学院101,伊利诺伊大学101.

FYLC 101 C -成长的过去和现在(教育)
Are you the same person as your great-grandfather or great-grandmother? 你的成长有什么不同吗? 世代相传, there are slight and sometimes huge changes in psychological development of children and adolescents. 教育284,NSS 101, il 101.

FYLC 1010d -心理学职业探索(心理学)
爱情心理学? 我们也是! We hope you are interested in psychology because you are curious about human behavior, 情绪和心理过程. 然而,在某些时候,你将不得不找到一份工作! 有了心理学学位,你可以做很多事情, 很难弄清楚什么是最适合你的. This Learning Community will allow you explore how psychology is used in a variety of career paths within education and awareness of issues within psychology, 预防及干预服务, 临床工作, 心理学研究, 以及正规买球平台有哪些项目的评估. 心理学105,工程学101,心理学100,工程学101,理科101.

FYLC 101 E支持健康和健康的生活
你对健康和保健感兴趣吗? Are you interested in helping people maintain and achieve health and meaning in their lives? 在这个学习型正规买球平台有哪些, you will explore many health professions and understand how each incorporates person-centered approaches while working with an interprofessional team. The importance of psychology and ethics will be a focus as important components for working with people on their health and wellness goals. 心理212,phil 207, his 100, NSS 101.


FYLC 101 F -宽恕的伦理
This 学习 community explores the meaning of conflict resolution, 和解与宽恕, through the development of the conflict management skill of mediation and then volunteering as mediators in local middle schools. Students will see how ethical obligations impact our understanding of forgiveness and how integrating the notions of justice and reconciliation can alter our approach to conflict resolution. 菲尔207,西奥100,
NSS 101.

fylc101g -全球化的面孔
Faces of Globalization seeks not only to explore various aspects of globalization on a wide range of current global issues including international conflicts/terrorism, 气候变化, 人权, 人口及移民, 贫困, 贸易, 劳动和社会公正, 能源, 还要评估它们的含义. PSCI 130 provides Gen Ed credits for social science and COMM 132 satisfies a Gen Ed COMM requirement, nss101也算毕业. Psci 130, comm 132, NSS 101.

FYLC 101 H -英雄/女主角之路
艺术家, 说书人, 电影人也会不断地重新审视主题, 对符号的描绘和再创造, 原型, 还有神话中的人物, 传说, 民间传说, 还有其他的故事. 《英雄/女主角之路, students will investigate and compare complex artistic and literary portrayals of characters and stories covering a broad range of civilizations, 时间, 和形式, 从天行者卢克到花木兰, 从霍格沃茨到亡灵之地. Ah 121, engl 120, NSS 101.



The 荣誉预科课程 fosters the growth of students excited to explore their world and contribute to their communities. Students and professors work together to confront complex human questions using interdisciplinary inquiry and community engagement. 通过这些经历,学生们获得了沟通技巧, 综合考虑, and problem-solving that will serve as a foundation for freedom and growth beyond the first job to a lifetime of exploration, 学习, 以及世界上的创造性行动.

Honors Foundation courses fulfill general education and other University graduation requirements, 因此, the program does not usually add to a student's total credit hour requirements. The 荣誉预科课程 can be completed by students of all majors.

HON 101-A:你是否在写一篇科学报告, 向你的营销团队展示一个新的广告活动, or drafting the next blockbuster screenplay or award-winning poetry collection, 知道如何讲述你的故事是很重要的. Students will explore inventive ways to create and tell stories through an exciting collaboration between English/Creative Writing and Theatre. 来加入我们的乐趣!

HON 100-A:在这个过程中, 学生们被邀请进行交流, 查询, 并与他们的SAU荣誉正规买球平台有哪些一起探索. 通过合作活动和独立研究, students learn the basics of interdisciplinary inquiry and community engagement. 他们从不同的角度探讨他们的HON 101主题, 查看新连接, 并反思这些因素如何影响他们自己的观点. These courses will fulfill 2 general education requirements: 1 Creative Arts and 1 Humanities film and literature. Hon 101-a, Hon -100- a.


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